Trance Dance

How does Trance Dance work?


Trance DanceIt’s human nature to move, grow, transform. Recurring patterns of thought and action tend to make us stagnate and narrow our consciousness. In a Trancedance there are no fixed steps. You explore and dance your own dance, from the deepest place within yourself. When your dance transforms, something also changes within you, and how you relate to the outside world.


Trance DanceBefore starting the ritual, you meditate on what it is that you are willing to receive. You might choose an aspect of your life that needs clarifying or set into motion. For instance, you can dance to receive an insight, or to process something, or to celebrate life. By choosing an intention you give purpose to you dance, which makes it easier to interpret your inner travel experiences, and put them into context of your daily life.


Trance DanceWe start a trance dance with a short moment of intensive en conscious breathing. Your fysical body contains all your personal life experiences and during the dance, tensions can be released, or solutions to certain problems may suddenly reveal themselves to you. Breathing consciously (re-)activates your life force.

Read more: Breath, portal to inspiration and healing

Blindfold & Darkness

Trance Dance BlindfoldIn most of our dance activities all dancers wear a blindfold. Your blindfold helps you to not be distracted from visual impulses from the surroundings, and as a tool for sensory deprivation it allows you to make a journey through ceremonial darkness.

Read more: Sacred Darkness
About blindfold, surrender and transformation

Sound & Music

Trance Dance MusicThe music takes you on a journey and allows your body to freely move, to ethnical sounds and electronic music from all over the world. You dance to sounds that are healing, trance inducing and conciousness expanding. Usually we work with a combination of music from the sound system and live instruments.

Read more: Sound and Creation



Through our senses we can absorb about 400 milliard bits of information per second. Of those, maybe only two thousand get processed consciously by our brain. During a trance dance you make contact with the information that was taken in subconsciously. Dancers often tell about insights they received about themselves and their lives during the trance dance. This is just one way to look at it.

Read more: Awakening within the Dream
About sleeping, waking, brainwaves, dreams and trance